Mixed Pink Roses Bouquet |
The first cocktail we are going to show you is the Rose Martini, created by Jacinta Moore. For a little inspiration, how about sending that special someone the stunning Mixed Pink Roses Bouquet from ProGiftNet.com.
Rose Martini |
1 1/2 oz. vodka
1 oz. white crème de cacao
1/4 oz. rosewater
small pieces of Turkish delight or rose petals to garnish
1 drop rose food color
How to make it:
Fill half of a cocktail shaker with ice!
Purple Elegance Arrangement |
Next up, the delightful Water Lily Cocktail, presented by Saveur. With beautiful purple touches, it is hard to resist. When thinking of Purple Touches, here at ProGiftNet.com we can't help to think of the Purple Elegance Arrangement, which is the perfect gift for any occasion.
Water Lily |
3⁄4 oz. triple sec
3⁄4 oz. crème de violette
3⁄4 oz. fresh lemon juice
3⁄4 oz. gin
Strip of orange zest, for garnish
How to make it:
Combine triple sec, crème de violette, lemon juice, and gin into a cocktail shaker filled with ice; shake vigorously and strain into a coupe. Garnish with orange zest.
Lastly, nothing screams summer like lemonade. How about making is a little more interesting by creating a delicious Rosewater Lemonade with beautiful roses as garnish, such as this one by Deco Tartelette. To go along with the delicious drink, how about sending your friends and family the beautiful Pink Surprise Bouquet. They can later dry out some of the flowers to use for the drink!
Pink Surprise Bouquet |
The ingredients needed are the following:
5-7 organic lemons, juiced (about 1 cup)
3 tablespoons organic maple syrup at room temperature
1 tablespoon homemade rose water (you can also purchase organic, edible rose water at most grocery stores)
Filtered water
2 ounces of vodka per cocktail
2 tablespoons organic, dried rose petals for garnish
Rosewater Lemonade |
How to make it:
Place lemon juice, maple syrup, and rose water in an extra large ball jar or pitcher. Stir. Slowly add 1/2 cup water until you find the combination you enjoy. Store in the fridge.
To make the cocktail, simply place 1 cup of the rose water lemonade in a glass. Add 2 ounces of vodka. Serve over ice. Garnish with organic, dried rose petals.
If you would like more information on these cocktails, make sure to click on the link, which can be found in the name of each cocktail, and it will take you straight to the full recipe. We hope you have enjoyed learning about this innovative use for flowers, and hopefully it will provide you with some inspiration of your own to try out these recipes. Here at ProGiftNet.com we are involved with all aspects of flowers, and we love sharing this with you. Remember, whether you need to send flowers down the street or halway around the world, ProGiftNet.com is here to help you. Pick one of the beautiful arrangement on our site, or contact us to create a custom-made arrangement - anything is possible! Place your order at ProGiftNet.com today!