The truly extravagant gift:® Stunning 100 Red Roses Bouquet
The® Stunning 100 Red Roses Bouquet is a stunning arrangement of 100 red roses will leave them breathless. Each stem flaunts the beauty of their beautiful swirling petals, gorgeously situated in a sophisticated vase, to astound and amaze your special someone with the bounty of their timeless elegance.® Stunning 100 Red Roses Bouquet |
Valentine's Day does not need to be only about roses. There are hundred of flowers and combinations that can be put together to suit your needd. As another stunning suggestion, has chosen this eye-catching Violet Phalaenopsis Ochid Plant known for its dark pink veining on each fuchsia petal, ridged with an outline of white. Creating a stunning display of color and grace, this orchid plant arrives seated in a tall, sleek container, perfectly suited to delight that special someone with its sweet sophistication.
Violet Phalaenopsis Ochid Plant |
Pink Stargazer lilies are the featured stars in this Bright Beauty Bouquet. Arranged in a glass vase and accented with roses, asters, and other blooms, this design brings a sweet wish to everyone who receives it. As you can see, the tones of red, pink, and purple, in the bouquet give a sweet reminder of Valentine's Day, and let the receiver know you are thinking of them.
Bright Beauty Bouquet |